How to Take Advantage of Seasonal Advertising Campaigns
Advertising campaigns are everywhere: TV, social media, newspapers. In fact, people were estimated to be in the presence of 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day. Therefore, your goal is trying to attract their attention into your advertising campaign. Although, it is not quite easy to produce one, because it is not just about ads, you will need careful planning for any advertising campaign to be successful.
Just so you know for a start, the projections of Ad spending in Social Media Advertising will reach US$138,225m in 2021. While most ad spending will be generated in the United States (US$56,180m in 2021) when compared to the rest of the world. That’s a huge market but also a lot of opportunities.
Here in DiHunch, we will tell you how you can benefit from advertising campaigns and more specifically, how seasonal advertising campaigns can be a great advantage to elevate your brand in the digital world.
So first and foremost, let’s begin with some definitions…
What defines an Advertising campaign?
Advertising campaigns are known for being a series of advertisements that follow a strategy that connects each and one of those ads under one unique message.
The message you are trying to convey will follow the tone and voice of your brand. Remember that a brand concept is needed to transmit what your business is about, we can help with that in DiHunch.
Advertising campaigns can be produced in different settings, whether it is newspaper, radio, TV, social media, among many others. The advantage of this type of advertising is that you push your message through different channels with a core idea without falling into repetitiveness. Thus, having a strong concept and goals are necessary for a successful advertising campaign that can be diversified in small concepts and displays.
While advertising can range from different channels as we said before (TV, radio, Internet and Print), defining the time to advertise is also part of the strategy, that’s why we focus on seasonal advertising.
What is seasonal advertising?
Seasonal marketing is the process of marketing services or products during certain times of the year. Whether it is the 14th of February where flowers spring and you can sprung too (pun intended), or trying to scare the competition during the 31th of October, you decide.
Seasonal marketing is owning the date or season so your service or product can shine. Maybe what you sell is not necessarily related to Summer, Winter or St. Patrick’s day but you can always spice up or launch a limited product with the signature colors of the festival or season.
How to apply seasonal advertising campaigns?
Seasonal marketing can be the perfect date for your brand to monetize and expand your brand awareness. If you are capable of creating a quirky and witty campaign that goes viral, you will knock them out of the park.
We know, everybody wants to go viral and feel the adrenaline but with strong content pillars and a strong marketing team behind…you will reach it. DiHunch is there to support you.
Applying seasonal marketing can be quite tricky but here are some examples for inspiration:
This is their campaign titled “Pride Equality for All | NYX Professional Makeup”
NYX cosmetics takes advantage of celebrating the LGBTQA+ community as people who express their talent, ambitions and lifestyle through the use of makeup. Although they are known for having catchy and stylish lines of products, they don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate unique artists and be a “Global network of allies”. They do this all year long rather than just for the pride month in June.
A more typical one and that feels almost as a tradition is Starbucks signature cups with Christmas designs and limited beverages with their seasonal favorites.

Or their One with the Sun cool and fresh drinks for the Summer.

As you can see Starbucks plays with their logo and typical coffee cup in order to mix and blend with the season. Or even get rid of it and present a beverage that seems tropical and fresh to attract their audience.
Getting started with seasonal advertising campaigns
As we said before, advertising campaigns need to follow a strategy so here are the step-by-step for a successful campaign:
- Set the goals and objectives.
- Know how much you are going to spend, aka, the budget.
- Define your target and segment them based on the different products or services.
- What will be your marketing content and the design you are going for.
- Choose through which channels your campaigns will be advertised.
- Double-check what message will be conveyed.
- Track metrics and KPIs after launching the campaign
- Adjust your strategy based on your results.
- Celebrate your team’s effort and set new goals.
- Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Moreover, we have also gathered more specific steps for your advertising campaign to define your target audience.
- Search for traffic depending on your region, state or city.
- Research events related to local regions to personalize your campaign.
- You can use Google Analytics in order to have a geolocation report and the trends of the locations you are pointing at.
- Build momentum: look at previous days or even weeks before an event to look up for any sign that people are searching for that specific event, so you can plan ahead with keywords or long-tail keywords, known as phrases. Hashtags are also important to have organic reach.
- After deciding on your season, you can maximize your content by deciding in which retail seasons you will focus, for example you have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
- So plan ahead before deciding which one you will be implementing in your advertising campaign.
Seasonal advertising calendar you always need
Trying to stay updated with all the different dates and seasons for your advertising campaign can be tricky sometimes, so we make the job easy for you. In term of Meteorological speaking the seasons go from:

Seasonal advertising examples from big brands
Just in case you needed more, here we have 5 examples of seasonal advertising campaigns from different brands that know how to do it.
McDonalds makes a simple statement that resembles summer and their signature colors, bringing this cool and light sensation of Summer.

Take Offer took Mother’s day to gather up the best product for moms.

This is Grammarly’s approach on Valentine, being a fun and easy way to engage people.
In 2019, Nintendo in their Switch device launched a special game on 31st October known as
Luigi ‘s Mansion 3. The spookiest treat for the day.
Starbucks also made a special drink for Halloween with a good copy for Instagram.
Final thoughts
Seasonal advertising campaigns are not that simple if you really want to cause an impact in the overall audience, and even more with your specific target. People want to be challenged but also be entertained by what you are offering. It could be a mix of words, or some clever phrasing that can help you reach your goals.
Goals are always the defining point for your campaign. If you are not planning or strategizing you are cooking something bad from the very beginning
We can help with consulting and digital marketing for your brand. Don’t hesitate and be captured by DiHunch.